domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

I'm Nina Hoyos, 

very happy and natural woman !! I love what I do. I'm currently  studing evironmental engineering at the University of Cauca, every day I learn something new and intersting, I love to share with my friends, they are so funny!! 
I'm from San Agustín- Huila but I live in Popayán, always miss my family, but  they are my biggest motivation to  study and  try do the things in the best way. In the situations that cause me greater happiness, is to see my sister, she's so tender, is 8 and is the darling of all, she lives with my mommy and my stepfather, the two are hard working and struggling.
Of the things I like to do in their order  of priority are: reading!!,  dancing, listenig to music, watching movies, eating  pasta and ice cream, meet new and interesting. Almost forgot to mention that one of my passions is to read and listen to poetry, Mario Benedetti and Pablo Neruda are my favorites, is a unique way to leave the world of the concerns and everything.
One of my goals is to find very many places in the world starting with Colombia, I love landscapes. 
Somenthing else, my favorite actor is Ryan Gosling, with his role in "the notebook" I fell in love.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Nina,
    What a beautiful picture you have in the blog.
    Try to complement the information about your likes and you family.
    Use the word 'I' with capital letter.

  2. nina, I really liked your presentation, was complete and accurate, the images are very nice, and have good taste in reading, congratulations was a good job.

  3. Hi Nina
    your information is very comprehensive, congratulations.
    In these photos are very nice

  4. I appreciate your comments, it's nice that people appreciate our work.
    thanks!! :)
